This is an exciting week! We finish Part One and embark on Part Two! I'm taking a deep breath and looking forward to a new section.
III. The Final Purification, or Purgatory
All who die in God’s grace but are still imperfectly purified, must be cleansed in purgatory. Teachings on purgatory are based on Scripture which speaks of a cleansing fire and the practice of praying for the dead.
IV. Hell
We can choose to be separated from God forever, a state known as Hell. The teachings of the Church on Hell are a call to man to use his time on earth wisely and consider his eternal destiny. God predestines no one for Hell, a choice is necessary. Eternal separation from God is the chief punishment of Hell.
V. The Last Judgment
The Last Judgment will come when Christ returns in glory. He will separate the good from the wicked and all their deeds will be known. Only the Father knows the hour. We shall know the meaning of the work of creation and the economy of salvation.
VI. The Hope of the New Heaven and the New Earth
At the end of time, the Kingdom of God will come to fullness. There will be a new heaven and a new earth and God will dwell among men. The unity of the human race, which God willed from creation will be restored.
The Creed ends with the word ”amen” just like the last book of the Bible and all our prayers. It means “believe” and expresses God’s faithfulness towards us and our trust in Him.
“Thus the Creed’s final ‘Amen’ repeats and confirms its first words: ‘I
believe.’ To believe is to say ‘Amen’ to God’s words, promises and commandments;
to entrust oneself completely to him who is the ‘Amen’ of infinite love and
perfect faithfulness. The Christian’s everyday life will then be the ‘Amen’ to
the ‘I believe’ of our baptismal profession of faith: May your Creed be fro you
a mirror. Look at yourself in it, to see if you believe everything you say you
believe. And rejoice in your faith each day.” (CCC 1064)
“Jesus Christ
himself is the ‘Amen’.” (CCC 1065)
PART TWO The Celebration of the Christian Mystery
It is through the liturgy that the work of our redemption is accomplished. It is the participation of the People of God in the work of God. Through the liturgy Christ continues our redemption.
The liturgy makes the Church present as a visible sign of the communion between God and man. It is also a participation in Christ's own prayer to the Father.
Catechesis is intrinsically linked to the liturgy and the sacraments.
"The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is
directed; it is also the font from which all her power flows." (CCC 1074)
Question for reflection:
- As we finish Part One on the profession of faith, do you have a better understanding of the Creed and what we profess to believe? I think I may have to go back over my notes :)
CC1074 - The Liturgy continues the redemptive work of Christ. It is the heart and center of all the Church's activity.
Question for reflection: I think it is always important to re-read what we as Catholics believe. The words of the Creed are very powerful as we strive to live our lifes as God as has called us to do!
PS: My responses may drop off as I begin leading a new group of ladies through the CRHP process over the next 6 months. I do plan to try to keep up but we all understand how sometimes there just never is enough hours in the day! Just wanted you to know, if I done't respond. Please keep this group of ladies (and me) in your prayers as we take this faith journey together.
I'm still catching up! I just finished the portion regarding hell, purgatory and heaven. It answered so many questions I have had since 20 yo stepson's death. Thank you, Andrea, for pushing me to take this challenge. Once again it has nourished my soul. And if I may add my late thoughts here:
I once read that purgatory is much like having cold hands from playing too long in the cold. You want to put them into warm water, but to do so would burn, so you start with cold water; then gradually warm it. If our sinful souls were to come into the full glory of God, it would pain us too much. Therefore we must first rid ourselves of the negative excess through the refining fire.
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