Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Week 26: Passages 1168-1225

Well, life got in the way again for me this week, so no blogging on these readings- I'll be lucky if I can mange to find time to read them! But feel free to share your comments, they really encourage me!!!

1 comment:

Mel said...

Baptism is significant because the light of Christ now dwells in a person and shines for others to see Him!

I think it's very interesting all the events that prefigured Baptism such as: Noah and his family being saved through the flood, the Israelites passing through the Red Sea which liberated them from slavery, and the Israelites crossing the Jordan River in order to get to the Promised Land.

Jesus baptism represents His humility in emptying Himself completely and embracing His humanity. It represents the beginning of His public ministry.